Sunday, 3 December 2023

Me? I’m bringing The Abyss…

- Hey! May I sit?
- I’m expecting company.
- So? Until your company comes...
Not enough time. They’ll be here shortly.
- Your “shortly” is enough for me.
My “shortly” costs…
- How much?
Two fortunes… plus one more.
- Ha! Noice! I know that song.
You Know it?
- Yes.
Whom have you sung it for?
- What do you mean “have sung it for”? No one!
- Then, how dare you claim you Know it?
- I mean… I’ve heard it. Listened to it so many times.
And… you trust what you hear that much, so you dare say you Know it?

- You’re weird… Can I sit?
I don’t wanna have much with Strangers.
- You’re right… they call me Phoebos.
Ha! First of all… why do you spell it with an ‘e’? And second, it would click more if they called you Ephoebos (1)… or Aphobos (2), at least.
- Fucking hell! What’s your name?
You haven’t earned the right to know my name yet.
- Hey! You’re not fair! I…
…aaand you just lost the right to!

- Anyway… can I sit?
You're still a Stranger
- But…
Hold on! Shut up! Shut the fuck up already!
Look around you… How many of these people Know you?

- (…)
How many?
- No one. Only you.
I do not Know you, Phoebos. I only know your name and this is only because you said so. It’s not like I have seen an ID or something…
- I can show it to you, if you don’t believe me…
Did you make it? Your ID… did you make it yourself?
- You are weird! Of course not! It was given to me! It’s Official! Valid!
Oh, so... it was given to you? By others? And you accepted it? You adopted it…
- What do you mean? Where are you going with this?
Your name is Phobos (3). Why do you spell it with an ‘e’?
- I said it’s Phoebos!
No… you didn’t. They said so. You simply accepted it. And, since I don’t really like that one… I will call you Phobos from now on. Suits you better. It is what you really are anyway.

- Will you have me standing here forever? May I sit?
Still a Stranger
- Let me tell you more about me… So you know who I am.
I told you, I’m expecting company.
- Oh, what company, for fuck’s sake?
Pain, Dream and Knowledge
- Huh?
Have you got anything better to recommend? Can you offer me something that will be worth letting such a fortune go? I’m bringing The Abyss to the table… What do you have to offer?
- Errr… Journeys… Journeys in the wild Seas. All over the Earth. Wherever you tell me.
How Deep can you take me, Phobos?
- It is Phoebos!
Shut up! How Deep?
- Oh, you are weird! What do you mean deep? It’s not like I have some fucking submarine! I said Journeys. In the wild Sea. Any of the Five Seas you want! I have tamed them all…

- What now? May I sit?
Nah, leave it for some other time. I’m expecting company, shortly.
- How about next Monday? A second chance?
It will be Raining.
- Oh, you are weird! Who told you it’s gonna rain?
I’m not expecting anyone to tell me when it rains. It rains when I say so… and the Sun comes out one when I feel strong enough to share his Light.
- I thought that when you receive the Sun’s Light you become strong, regardless… Sun gives Life… so they say.
Oh, yes… There's no argue.
- Then? What?
For Sun, in order to give his Light to someone, he needs to take it away from someone else. This is the agreement. This is how it works, poor kid. For me, to accept his Light… I must be ready to lift the weight of the Darkness that will fall onto someone else. I am not ready yet.

- Oh, now you’re making long sentences. You confuse me.
No, you got me confused… with someone else, apparently. Perhaps, the one who was splish-splashing by the Lakesidein the shallows.
- There is no one else. There's not even a Lake. Just mud waters from the rain, I reckon and, honestly? I cannot even remember.
I believe you, Phobos. I do believe you.
- Don’t you ever call me Phobos again! My name is Phoebos!
Oh, I don’t have to call you with your name anymore. Only with what defines you. Of course, not because you cause fear to others. But, because that’s who you are.
- (…)

Hey, my company is here. I gotta go. I would ask you join us but…
- You fucking kidding me? I don’t See anyone!
What do you expect to see, my poor child? Pain, Dream and Knowledge? These things are to be felt… not seen. Do you really think that the ones we call “blind” don’t feel any Pain, they don’t Dream and they don’t Know… just because they don’t See?
- Fair enough… Won’t you introduce me then?
- Gimme a damn good reason to, Phobos…

Indeed… this might be the last time, actually. The last time you hear from me.
I asked you give me a really good reason to introduce you to my friends and, all you did was raise your voice, only to remind me of your name once more. I think that, for the time being, your name, your Ego and your ego alone, is enough for you… Phoebos with an ‘

If you wanna have a company like my friends… you better start digging, motherfucker! Start digging that fucking pothole of yours, with the mud waters. And make sure you dig a well so deep, that the Sky will seem like a tiny dot when you look up…
Then, and only then, Phoebos with an ‘
e’, start crying, motherfucker. Cry your guts out and don’t you fucking stop until your pitiful well overflows with your tears, so you can fucking swim your way up…

If you ever make it… if you ever fucking make it to the surface, Phoebos with an ‘e’… and have look around you, only then you will see the Lake. And you will Know that it is yours. It will be your own Lake.
And then, you will earn the right to meet my friends… my company.
Then, I might even reveal my name.

Oh, poor child… why do you spell your name with an ‘

(1) Ephoebos:Teenager
(2) Aphobos: Fearless
(3) Phobos: Fear

….adaptation in English from my “Me? I’m bringing The Abyss”, Aug. 2013

Sunday, 19 November 2023

American Honey 'Sting', by Wild Turkey (En)

- “Curses…”, he muttered through his teeth, “Six months already!”, he went on shaking himself as he headed for the living room.

Bullshit... Six months my ass! It’s been longer than that!
He couldn't even remember when the last time he recorded the simplest "Thought" had been.
On his blog, that is. Cuz, he was only good for posting bullshit here and there on social media.

- “
Depression and humiliation together…”, he muttered again when he bumped into her. She had heard him whining and had gotten up from her favourite corner of the couch, looking for him to see what he wanted. He walked passed her and returned to his room. Her room, that is.
Or more accurately, the room he used as his room in Her house.
That "Togetherness" was quite expensive, in every sense of the word. So expensive that he hadn't bothered to buy a single bottle of his favourite drink in six months.
As a matter of fact, there was no way he could find it in this country, but he could obviously find something similar. A "
Jim Beam Honey" perhaps, or a "Drambuie", at worst.
- “Want some wine? A beer? A nice, cold limoncello?”, she countered, looking at the fridge, making the blood in his head boil.

Oh fuck me,… a "
Wild Turkey 'American Honey Sting' Turkey" was all he wanted. But, find it where?
Of course, he knew the answer, “
In every liquor store in his other… Homeland”. There.
That’s where he could find it.

Substitutes... Is this what life is all about?
A bunch of substitutes?
Is the best preserved secret of human happiness hiding there? In the fucking Substitutes?
Is it lying inside all the easily accessible ones that, while resembling what one wants, are not exactly what one really needs?
Substitutes and Compromises?
Well, fuck me… maybe that's how it is!

The monster rose up in front of him again... as if it was lurking to pounce on him at the first careless move.
A real monster.
And fierce.
The last 27-inch iMac of its generation, with a clean, white page waiting for his first move.
The pressing of the first key that, would display the first character, on the first text of the year…
Early July, for fuck’s sake!
Early July already!
Six months…
More than six months being sitting still!

And... there he was, eyes closed, pressing the first key.
And the screen didn't change a bit. Not a single dot appeared on the white page, since he had accidentally pressed the
Esc key.

Ha... escape, he thought and took another sip of icy water. There, motherfucker! Just water.
Let this be a lesson, since you haven’t bought a single decent bottle of alcohol for ages.

She had various booze in her liquor cabinet but... they were nowhere near what he needed.
Although, he was flirting with the idea of a frozen Southern Comfort, which would hardly bring him any comfort, as he had downed countless litres of it, some thirty years ago and his body couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't even stand the smell of it.

He turned and looked at his shorts, resting on a chair.
The thought of the empty wallet in his rear pocket
made him sick to his stomach.
How the hell had he ended up like that? If anything, he hadn't gotten this low back home at any point in his life, while being there.
He felt like a fucking beggar.

Been fucked at some pointless office job, twelve hours a day away from home and getting to the middle of the month without a fucking cent left.
You know... one cent to spare for himself.
How expensive was that "Togetherness"...

He pulled his eyes from the shorts and looked around. In the room.
That painting, with its sentimental value but awful technique and the utterly commercial and 'ostensible' view of the artist, to the gossamer curtain that cut off his view of the ugliness that lied outside, to the half-open door through which he could see beyond, to the kitchen, where his sweetheart had left the lights on again, to the folded ironing board that rested neatly against the tall and heavy, vintage, wooden cabinet…
His eyes stopped on his glass & metal framed desk. Yes, that particular one was actually His. He had bought it Himself with His own money as soon as He set foot back to his birthplace. His first Homeland... which he downgraded to second for several years while living overseas, since the welcoming and the opportunities he was offered there, made him feel that was his real Home.
But now he was back, for the past six months And, fuck me, it felt more alien than any of the other
foreign places he had visited in his life.

Done with the day-dreaming, he started pressing more keys.
All the keys... Like a maniac. With fury.
Yet, one of them was about to… melt. The backspace.
Erasing everything he wrote seemed stupid. Childish. Maybe, that’s who he had become.
Pretentious thoughts, questions and answers… like the countless cheesy, idiotic quotes one finds online, supposed to inspire the idiots who cannot think for themselves.
Was he that arrogant? Maybe so. Fuck knows. Fuck cares.
Had he become more pretentious than the artist of the painting on the wall?

Wait a minute! Was this why nothing inspired him for so many months when sitting at his desk? The lack of windows overlooking at parks of green and pink and purple and yellow to rest his eyes upon... except for some artless painting in front of him, a miserable canopy of dying trees on the right and the reflection of the  same miserable canopy on the wardrobe mirror on the left?
How much did he miss his other Homeland, really?

Then it hit him!
Not an answer to all, of course; just a tsunami of questions…
What is a Homeland? What is Home?
Do you have to spell it with a capital H or not?
Is it a place? Another person? Is it an idea, an
Someplace you find and settle at?
Someone you find and settle with?
Something that sticks with you and you carry it around for the rest of your life?
Does it stigmatise you and to what extent? Can you un-Homeland yourself if you want to? And I don't mean leaving the place... but to get what that place represents out of your skin, out of your blood. And if yes, what does it take?
Is this “Homeland” tied to something else you're carrying inside?
If you get rid of it… will it also take away from you what’s tied to it?
Or maybe worse, will it also take you with it?

The World Cup was in full swing, there was a match on TV, and he was still fucking around in front of the monster. Writing. Erasing. Writing some more.
To be honest, there’ve been plenty of times when he’s been sitting in front of the monster fucking…
With porn. Or even pictures, still photos. You know... so he could come with his own scenarios.
Ha… come, cum. Whatever.

He raised his reading glasses for a moment.
Fuck me”, he grumbled. He saw doubles without them.
How the hell did this go so wrong; he, who bragged about his eyesight!
And fucking fate had made it so, that the only job he'd found coming here had him sitting eight straight hours a day in front of a, what else... an iMac. Fucking IT & Tech Support.

He was sick of it already. In fact, the one at work was only 21" and looked so small and tedious compared to his, and the keyboard and mouse were corded, for fuck’s sake; felt like chains. He was getting tired and depressed just by looking at them.

The dizziness after so many hours in front of computers at work was sucking up all his energy and mood to sit and relax on his iMac at home... so, with a heavy heart and in the midst of inspiration, he put the monster to bed and headed for the living room. There. With her.
To their "Togetherness".

I wonder... what does "Together" mean?
Does it mean "next to"?
Close to?
In the same room? Same place?
In the same country?
And, couples who don't live together, ain’t they "Together"?
If nothing else… he knew couples who were cohabiting but hadn't been "Together" for ages.
Is there a chance that, in today’s World, there’s a weapon that only hits people’s "Together"?
Was there a cheaper "Together"? Something more pocket-friendly, if nothing else, yet rich in all other aspects? Was "Together" dependent on money at all?

Nah, of course not. It only crossed his mind cuz he was fucking broke, although he worked hard.
Next to the train station lives a homeless man, whom he meets twice a day. This homeless man always has a kitten in his arms... A white kitten, with whom they always sleep together.
Ha... together.
Yeah, "Together" doesn't require financial comfort.
In fact, that "Togetherness" when he was married only cost him his sanity and energy.

In any case… is there a "Togetherness" where the
pay off makes all costs worth spending?

The sound of the videoclip playing in the background still echoed in his ears as he wrote.
As he ‘recorded’ his Thoughts, that is.
For years, he'd found a clip on YouTube that he'd play and relax. Relax his body while his Thoughts were having a party.
60 minutes of Woodland Ambience”.
Recorded at the Pennsylvania woodlands. A slow stream, rustling leaves and birds.
Natural recording and not one of those sampled ones that play here and there.

He sat on the TV for a while and after an hour or so, decided to follow her to bed.
His night, however, was short.
A rhythmic noise woke him up early. Was it four? Maybe five?
The noise went on until seven in the morning… when she finally woke up, too.
That snoring, for fuck’s sake…

The satellite technician was packing his tools, having finished the inspection within five minutes. He was right on time. Very professional. Explained them the basics, checked the installation, took his
measurements and waved them off.

He went back to his room and woke up the monster. Her room, that is.
Or more accurately, the room he used as his room in Her house.

- “Come all the way here, leave so many things behind, for a little bit of togetherness?
This little bit is enough for me…
My little bit costs, you know.

So went a dialogue that he had captured in one of his writings five years ago.
While in his other homeland. Ready to make yet another giant leap. For himself, though; fuck the mankind.

And there he was. There she was.
That "Togetherness", which they enjoyed for so "
little" every day, being busy with the things survival dictated.
How prophetic… the motherfucker god of universal trolls that guided his writings!
That "
little" he came for, really cost a lot!
- “
How much?
- “
Two fortunes, plus another one…

Once more, he proved he was a prophet… with no apparent profit.
The motherfucker so needed a sip now.
American Honey 'Sting' by Wild Turkey

...excerpt from the book "I found my self a Home that cost me my Throne", by Gr. Krezos

Adaptation in English